Thursday, October 31, 2019

Jury Selection Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jury Selection Process - Research Paper Example The jury selection was interesting in the sense that it had 9 blacks, 1 Hispanic and 2 Whites in it, a total of 12 jury participants – 10 women and 2 men. Their education is divided; 9 were high school graduates, 2 College Graduates and one was without diploma. The jury sequestration is a highly complicated matter and requires considerable attention of the selecting bodies. For instance, the cost to tax payers for the jury sequestration in the O. J. Simpson trial reached a staggering $3 million (Dunham, 2009). The process followed for the sequestration included a questionnaire to be filled in by 250 potential members of the jury (Linders, 2008). They were also told at the time of filling in the questionnaire that they will be probably sequestered for a period of several months. Once the jury sequestration was completed, the media became the real critic of the sequestration. The court had to bear the cost of it all, court premise security as well as the security of the jury is part of the sequestration. Media constantly questioned the fairness and objectivity highlighting the fact the jury was held in a near imprisonment (Hayslett, 2008). In 1995, the jury let out the verdict while the court was surrounded by an army of policemen on horsebacks, to prevent a possible riot in the aftermath of the verdict. The jury recorded the verdict in favour of the former footballer, O. J. Simpson, as â€Å"not guilty†. The verdict may have been tainted by the involvement of the main prosecutor Fuhrman, who allegedly harboured hate feelings towards the African-Americans, and had been heard to call them ‘niggers’ on many occasions. The main reason why the jury called it â€Å"not guilty† was there was reasonable doubt as to the presence of the suspect (O.J.) at the scene of the crime. Implicative reasoning was that O. J. was a patient of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Strategic Plan for Personal Development Assignment

A Strategic Plan for Personal Development - Assignment Example Conclusion Abstract Leadership can be defined as the various processes that people of authority practice to influence their peers or subordinates to agree and understand how to improve performance and interpersonal communication to achieve collective objectives (Jones & Goffee, 2007).Leadership in the contemporary society has various definitions that relate to good communication and achieving set objectives (Daft, 2011). Some leaders incorporate the use of psychological techniques such as emotional intelligence to impact good leadership abilities among employees. I desire to be a leader can influence other people towards goal attainment and shares the same objective with peers. Introduction I believe such leadership will help me motivate my subordinates towards attainment of common objectives and enhance interpersonal communications (Daft, 2011). Leadership process is either interactive or linear. An interactive process is a two-way communication where leaders and their peers or foll owers communicate by raising concerns and receiving a direct feedback. A linear leadership process is an authoritative form of leadership where leaders make decisions and implement changes without consulting their followers (Daft, 2011). Leaders influence their peers, subordinates and other stakeholders. ... Trait in leaders implies that some people have the right personality, values, motives and skills to be good leaders. Literature Review a. Process versus trait Process in leadership implies that skills and abilities are acquired through education, coaching and mentoring (Jago, 2006). Leadership process is available to all hardworking and reformed entrepreneurs willing to change their cognitive and behavioral aspect of life. Leaders can learn from other famous and successful leaders how to become the best in their organization. Emotional intelligence is also essential while learning how to become an influential and effective leader. Most business leaders shape their skills with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and changing their behavior to accommodate diverse culture and behavior exhibited by other people in an organization (Daft, 2011). Coaching and mentoring in a leadership process is very important because successful leaders shape the minds and behavior of young and aspiring leaders to become influential. Mentoring is a process where decisions are affected by the experienced leaders before any action is implemented. The mentor acts as counselor to an aspiring leader by listening and giving sound advice that is needed to achieve set objectives of becoming a good leader (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). Trait in leadership is an added value, which is innate in nature (Goffee & Jones, 2006). Some people are born with leadership personalities, values and physical characteristics. There are leaders that speak fluently and influence people with both spoken and written word. Some leaders are extroverts, which imply that they socialize with all employees, stakeholders and customers to acquire new views and concerns from

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Turner Syndrome Hormone

Turner Syndrome Hormone TURNER SYNDROME Turner syndrome was discovered by Dr. Henry Turner, an endocrinologist in 1938, when he noticed a set of common physical features in some of his female patients. Turner was born on August 28, 1892 in Harrisburg, Illinois and died on August 4, 1970 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. An endocrinologist diagnoses diseases that affect your glands. Endocrinologists are trained to diagnose and treat hormone problems by helping to balance of hormones in your system. It wasnt until 1960 that a chromosomal abnormality was discovered. Turner syndrome is a rare genetic chromosomal disorder that affects approximately one out of 2,500 3,000 females in every birth. Females inherit one â€Å"X chromosome from their mother and one â€Å"X† chromosome from their father. If one â€Å"X† chromosome is missing from the cell, that is Turner syndrome. â€Å"Turner syndrome is present at conception or following the first cell division, and it remains throughout life.† Some scientists say it â€Å"may be a result from an error during the division (meiosis) of a parents sex cell. Turner syndrome can be diagnosed by a simple blood test called karyotype either during pregnancy or after birth. â€Å"A karyotype test that shows that you have Turner syndrome reveals 45 chromosomes (only one X chromosome), instead of the normal 44 autosomes and 2 X chromosomes (XX) that are found in females.† Here are a few if the physical features of Turner syndrome: Short stature; one of the missing genes in the â€Å"X† chromosome is the SHOX gene. This gene is responsible for the long bone growth development; â€Å"more than 95% of adult women with Turner syndrome exhibit short stature†. Without it, your bones dont grow the way they should; average adult height with Turner syndrome is 4 feet 7 inches. â€Å"Scoliosis affects the spine and occurs in 10% of young girls with Turner syndrome and may contribute to their short stature.† Scoliosis can be diagnosed by a Pediatrician. This also includes short fingers and short toes; wrist and elbow joints turn out away from the body. Hands and feet can look puffy or swollen at birth. The nails on the fingers are soft and turn upward at the ends when a girl with Turner syndrome gets older. Webbed neck; in some cases you will see extra skin on the side of the neck. It looks like â€Å"wings†. This is where the neck and the collar bone connect and can be corrected with surgery. Abnormal kidney, a normal kidney is shaped like a bean and someone who has Turner syndrome, their kidney is shaped like a horseshoe. Also, you should have two kidneys and someone with Turner syndrome, usually only has one kidney. Having only one kidney and the fact that it doesnt function the way it is suppose to, can also cause diabetes, which can be deadly if you dont treat it with medication, good eating habits and lots of exercise. Lack of sexual development at puberty; females with Turner syndrome have little to no sexual development; their ovaries, breasts, the uterus never fully develops and there is no menstruation cycle, which means that they cant reproduce. The most deadly of the physical features is the heart defects, because it is the most common cause of death in adults with Turner syndrome. The major heart vessels are much smaller than normal heart vessels. â€Å"The major blood vessels from the heart have two vessels rather than three vessels that regulate the blood flow.† This can be corrected with surgery. Other disorders include high blood pressure, obesity, cataracts, thyroid problems, and arthritis. Girls with Turner syndrome usually have normal intelligence, but some may have learning difficulties in math. Many also have a problem with requiring map reading or visual organization, but are able to write well and learn well. People with Turner syndrome go to regular schools and take regular classes. Hearing problems are also more common in girls with Turner syndrome. Red and green color blindness also occurs in girls with Turner syndrome. There is treatment for Turner syndrome. Some females have been treated with hormone replacement therapy that increases their height and helps the development of the breasts. Some females also take the male hormone so their hair and muscle growth can be almost normal. Not everyone who takes the growth hormone, androgen have much change in their growth. The female hormone is called estrogen, which also help their sexual development. Estrogen therapy is usually started at age 12 or 13 to help stimulate the growth of sexual development. Having Turner syndrome can also lower a young girls self-esteem. There are a lot of ways to help someone feel better about there self. For example to try on different clothing styles until she finds what makes her feel happy or fits her personality. This can help build a positive body image and self-esteem. Or maybe participate in activities where height doesnt matter, like skating, diving, horseback riding, babysitting, or volunteer work. They should stay active in sports and hobbies they enjoy. Turner syndrome can not be inherited from parent to child because most women with Turner syndrome are usually sterile. They dont have fully developed reproductive organs. There is no cure for Turner syndrome. People with Turner syndrome are all different. Some may have many physical differences and symptoms. Others may only have a few medical problems that are treatable. There is no known proof that this disorder affects more frequently in whites, blacks, Hispanics or any other ethnic group. Most people with Turner syndrome can live healthy and normal lives if they get good medical care. There is a foundation called The MAGIC Foundation for Childrens Growth. This is a group of parents with children who have a variety of growth disorders including Turner Syndrome. The foundation is here to help you understand and deal with the special issues all of the children face, whether it is a learning challenge due to Turner Syndrome or a physical challenge because they are short children. References: Clinical Features of Turner Syndrome Turner Syndrome Chart Learn.Genetics Genetic Science Learning Center Teens Health;diseases_conditions/genetic/turner.html â€Å"Family Medical Guide†, 4th Edition; American Medical Association, published by John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dimmesdales Guilt and Internal Struggle in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Mr. Dimmesdale’s greatest fear is that the townspeople will find out about his sin of adultery with Hester Prynne. Mr. Dimmesdale fears that his soul could not take the shame of such a disclosure, as he is an important moral figure in society. However, in not confessing his sin to the public, he suffers through the guilt of his sin, a pain which is exacerbated by the tortures of Roger Chillingworth. Though he consistently chooses guilt over shame, Mr. Dimmesdale goes through a much more painful experience than Hester, who endured the public shame of the scarlet letter. Mr. Dimmesdale’s guilt is much more damaging to his soul than any shame that he might have endured. When the reader first meets Roger Chillingworth standing watching Hester on the scaffold, he says that he wishes the father could be on the scaffold with her. â€Å"‘It irks me, nevertheless, that the partner of her iniquity should not, at least, stand on the scaffold by her side† (46). At this point, Chillingworth wishes that Mr. Dimmesdale was also receiving the sort of shame Hester is being put through. Throughout the first few chapters of the novel, however, Chillingworth’s motives become more and more malicious. By the time Chillingworth meets Hester in her prison cell, he has decided to go after Mr. Dimmesdale’s soul. Chillingworth turns to this goal because Mr. Dimmesdale did not endure Hester’s shame on the scaffold. Had Mr. Dimmesdale chosen to reveal himself at the time of Hester’s shame, he would not have had to endure the pain of Roger Chillingworth’s tortures of his soul. When Mr. Dimmesdale finally confesses to the townspeople in the last hour of his life, he reveals what many saw to be a red A on his chest. Whether the letter was carved by him in an act of self-mutilation, if it was merely a figment of his guilt-ridden imagination, of if it was indeed created by Chillingworth’s torture, it is a symbol of the guilt that Mr. Dimmesdale endured. While it may seem like a poor mockery of Hester’s letter, which was visible to everyone, Mr. Dimmesdale’s caused him much more pain than Hester’s caused her. Over time, Hester’s letter came to be accepted by the townspeople, and once Hester had been accepted there was discussion of allowing her to remove it. In contrast, Mr. Dimmesdale’s letter was not visible to the public, though it caused him much pain. Dimmesdale's Guilt and Internal Struggle in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Mr. Dimmesdale’s greatest fear is that the townspeople will find out about his sin of adultery with Hester Prynne. Mr. Dimmesdale fears that his soul could not take the shame of such a disclosure, as he is an important moral figure in society. However, in not confessing his sin to the public, he suffers through the guilt of his sin, a pain which is exacerbated by the tortures of Roger Chillingworth. Though he consistently chooses guilt over shame, Mr. Dimmesdale goes through a much more painful experience than Hester, who endured the public shame of the scarlet letter. Mr. Dimmesdale’s guilt is much more damaging to his soul than any shame that he might have endured. When the reader first meets Roger Chillingworth standing watching Hester on the scaffold, he says that he wishes the father could be on the scaffold with her. â€Å"‘It irks me, nevertheless, that the partner of her iniquity should not, at least, stand on the scaffold by her side† (46). At this point, Chillingworth wishes that Mr. Dimmesdale was also receiving the sort of shame Hester is being put through. Throughout the first few chapters of the novel, however, Chillingworth’s motives become more and more malicious. By the time Chillingworth meets Hester in her prison cell, he has decided to go after Mr. Dimmesdale’s soul. Chillingworth turns to this goal because Mr. Dimmesdale did not endure Hester’s shame on the scaffold. Had Mr. Dimmesdale chosen to reveal himself at the time of Hester’s shame, he would not have had to endure the pain of Roger Chillingworth’s tortures of his soul. When Mr. Dimmesdale finally confesses to the townspeople in the last hour of his life, he reveals what many saw to be a red A on his chest. Whether the letter was carved by him in an act of self-mutilation, if it was merely a figment of his guilt-ridden imagination, of if it was indeed created by Chillingworth’s torture, it is a symbol of the guilt that Mr. Dimmesdale endured. While it may seem like a poor mockery of Hester’s letter, which was visible to everyone, Mr. Dimmesdale’s caused him much more pain than Hester’s caused her. Over time, Hester’s letter came to be accepted by the townspeople, and once Hester had been accepted there was discussion of allowing her to remove it. In contrast, Mr. Dimmesdale’s letter was not visible to the public, though it caused him much pain.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Improving Patient Safety by Utilizing Information Technology Essay

As the push towards patient safety increases with regulatory agencies such as the Florida Agency for Healthcare administration (ACHA) and The Joint Commission (TJC), formerly the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), highlighting the need for higher qualities of standard, hospitals such as Memorial Hospital Pembroke in Hollywood Florida are interested in finding ways of achieving optimal patient care standards and propel themselves up the list of top performers on key quality measures. Of equal importance is the need to optimize the cost effectiveness of this quality of care by reducing length of hospital stay and reducing instances of readmissions for the same or related complaints. Individual department such as pharmacy, radiology and laboratory each have computerized systems specifically aimed at task completion within the department taking no thought of the dissemination of that information across the spectrum of not only medical departments but also to administrative and clerical departments. With the advent of care possesses such as computer physician order entry(CPOE) and electronic medication administration record systems(EMARs) aimed at both quality and cost effectiveness the necessity exist to provide all needed information including medical records, radiological imagery such as CT scans, MRIs, and laboratory results at the immediate disposal of the practitioner. Administrative departments such as billing, medical records, medical supplies, and social services requiring real time updates on care administered, supplies expended in administering this care and follow up required in order to complete the continuum of care. There is therefore the need to integrate all these various clinical and administrative processes into a single efficient hospital based system of delivery of care. Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs) are not only designed to provide such services but also information to patients and stores and manages data collected on patients. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 provided $34 billion via Medicare and Medicaid for the implementation and use of EHRs. Two such systems EpicCare and HCS eMR respectively define themselves as follows. â€Å"The EpicCare Inpatient Clinical System spans all hospital departments and specialties, giving providers the tools they need to deliver safe, high-quality care. EpicCare’s role-based navigators simplify relevant information access for physicians, nurses, therapists, dietitians and any other provider in the hospital setting† â€Å"HCS eMR meaningful use software is a Workflow Driven / Focused solution focused on high User Adoption. HCS eMR works for your hospital because it: Builds on existing processes such as Medication Reconciliation †¢ Integrates with existing technology to streamline processes †¢ Leverages sophisticated rules and timely alerts to drive success †¢ Can be implemented quickly and is fully adopted †¢ Is economical â€Å" Organizational and individual barriers to proposed change Several potential barriers exist to the implementation of an integrated electronic health records system (EHRs), these include structural, financial/business, technical/professional, and cultural. Structural Memorial Hospital Pembroke is not a standalone hospital rather it is one of five hospitals in the Memorial Hospital System (MHS) formerly known as the South Broward Hospital district of Florida, as such much consideration has to be given to the eventual implementation across the system not only to Pembroke itself. Diversity in buyers and payers of supplies and services across the system would impact heavily on integration. There are also different providers of information technology in various departments that would have to be modified to enable integration via a central system of informatics. Financial and business The infrastructural implementation of EHR systems requires initial high dollar investment which in the current economic environment may require budgetary restraints on other services and supplies. Although the intent is clear and the potential promising, there is limited evidence of the economic benefits of EHR systems in healthcare mainly because it is in its infancy, the hospital board of governors may require extensive due diligence studies prior agreeing to any such change. Cultural The cost-benefits across the continuum of providers e. g. octors, nurses and recipients e. g. patients of healthcare have yet to be realized and as such much caution and resistance is to be anticipated. Clinicians inclusive of nurses envision health informatics particularly EHRs as being time consuming and takes away from, autonomy, actual time spent with patients, also old habits are hard to break, and question what personal benefits are to be gain from this intrusive system. Not to be ignored is the additional scrutiny as all processes will be documented at time of process and provides a permanent record, errors cannot be deleted. Departments who previously had autonomy on how information is transferred and disseminated from the individual department to other practitioners may show reluctance to â€Å"opening up† to the scrutiny of others. Patients also will be required to accommodate intrusion, as with the availability of previously restricted information at the bedside from computers on wheels (COWs) more time may be spent at the bedside by practitioners instead of doing time consuming reviews and making notes prior to patients’ rounds. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) which provides federally regulated protection of patients health information held by healthcare professionals, is another possible barrier that impact the implementation of the proposed change, and care has to be taken to limit the unnecessary access of patient’s data. Factors influencing proposed change Important factors that may affect whether implementation of an EHR at Memorial Pembroke is employed include, how receptive management and staff are to the change, the existence of available EHR systems providers versus in-house creation of a system, Cost of purchasing, implementing and maintaining a system and if funding is available, real benefits to be attained, are they measurable, and structural, cultural and financial readiness of the organization for the change. Receptiveness of management and staff If the existing system works for staff or is perceived to work then many questions arise among the participants why does there need to be this intrusive change. Can the proposed benefits to be realized justify the overhaul and inconvenience to come and am I going to be remunerated for my efforts? Available EHR systems There are many systems already on the market including EPICare inpatient-core; HCS eMR and ChartAcess which are ready for implementation have a system of support and maintenance. Although these are expensive systems, to build an in-house system replicating these would be time consuming and require extensive developmental processes that would certainly result in delay in implementing such a system. Cost May be divided into acquisition and maintenance, acquisition cost include cost of software, training, installation, paper to electronic conversion and implementation productivity loss, which may not be measurable. Maintenance cost includes upgrades, replacement of hardware and internal and external support cost. Acquisition cost will be significant and may impact on the ability of the organization to meet other budgetary demands. Maintenance cost are spread out over time and may not be as impacting, also the possibility exist that cost savings from the use of the EHRs employed may offset maintenance cost. Factors influencing organizational readiness There are certain basic requirements of readiness which Memorial Pembroke must meet in order to be ready for health IT without which failure is almost assured. These are Organizational culture, Management and leadership, Operational and Technical readiness. Organizational culture – defined as an assessment of how the organization perceives EHR, general staff and physicians’ perceptions and patient involvement. Does Memorial Pembroke view EHR as a liability or as an asset, is the staff open to what is better for the patient or are they more concerned about turf protection, are nurses prepared to record even the most minor detail if it means a better overall picture of the state of the patient. Management and leadership – does the organization have the management that appreciates the importance of the change to the overall goals of the organization and is there a readiness to apply necessary resources to include human resources, financial resources and information and to manage these resources not only for current but also future EHR needs. Is there an executive team, a strategic plan, quality improvement and care management, and sound financial management? Operational readiness – takes into consideration, protocols, operational procedures, staffing needs for the implementation, training plans and programs, preparedness of project managers and IT staff for the implementation. Technical readiness– considers the organizations technical environment and information technology capabilities to deal with and absorb the change. Is there adequate server capacity, a rational process of procurement also potential for growth and development of the department? In short can they handle it? Theoretical model related to proposed change The model best related to this organizational change which seeks to enhance the institution as a whole in the furtherance of improved quality of care for patients as also to optimize the organizations ability to be effective in the administrative process and other peripheral processes involved in this change is organizational development. Organizational change targets the entire organization and creates a climate of open discussion with valued feedback which helps to reinforce or modify to the change. It depends on the utilization of process consultants to facilitate interventions and to manage the change. Internal and external resources to support change Within the organization several resources may be found which may facilitate or enhance the change to be implemented, these include competent senior management who portray a sense of confidence and facilitate dialogue with staff thus enabling them to be active participants, a strong human resource department that arranges and implement training programs aimed at preparing staff for the change. A vibrant IT department with competent personnel knowledgeable in IT systems that can facilitate incorporation of new technology to its network. Staff that are trainable and who understand the dynamism of the organization and of change and are willing to adapt in order to meet organizational goals. Externally advantage has to be taken of a proven provider of EHRs that has the experience and support infrastructure that will facilitate attainment of the organizational goals. Independent consultants who are experienced in the change to be implemented, and who are able to monitor and manage the change at each stage of implementation. Research data that provide information aimed at making informed decisions, provided by research specialist and not ad hoc pieces of information.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Host Chapter 46: Encircled

Jamie started to sit up. â€Å"Easy there, kid. How you feelin'?† Ian moved to press Jamie's shoulders against the mattress. â€Å"I feel†¦ really good. Why is everyone here? I don't remember†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"You've been sick. Hold still so we can finish fixing you.† â€Å"Can I have some water?† â€Å"Sure, kid. Here you go.† Doc was staring at Jamie with disbelieving eyes. I could barely talk, my throat was so tight with joy. â€Å"It's the No Pain,† I muttered. â€Å"It feels wonderful.† â€Å"Why does Jared have Sharon in a headlock?† Jamie whispered to Ian. â€Å"She's in a bad mood,† Ian stage-whispered back. â€Å"Hold very still, Jamie,† Doc cautioned. â€Å"We're going to†¦ clean out your injury. Okay?† â€Å"Okay,† Jamie agreed in a small voice. He'd noticed the scalpel in Doc's hands. He eyed it warily. â€Å"Tell me if you can feel this,† Doc said. â€Å"If it hurts,† I amended. With practiced skill, Doc slid the scalpel gently through the diseased skin in one swift movement. We both glanced at Jamie. He was staring straight up at the dark ceiling. â€Å"That feels weird,† Jamie said. â€Å"But it doesn't hurt.† Doc nodded to himself and brought the scalpel down again, making a cross cut. Red blood and dark yellow discharge oozed from the gash. As soon as Doc's hand was clear, I was spraying Clean back and forth across the bloody X. When it hit the oozing secretion, the unhealthy yellow seemed to sizzle silently. It began to recede. Almost like suds hit by a spray of water. It melted. Doc was breathing fast beside me. â€Å"Look at that.† I sprayed the area twice for good measure. Already the darker red was gone from Jamie's skin. All that was left was the normal red color of the human blood that flowed out. â€Å"Okay, Heal,† I muttered. I found the right canister and tipped the little spout over the gashes in his skin. The clear liquid trickled in, coating the raw flesh and glistening there. The bleeding stopped wherever the Heal spread. I poured half the container-surely twice as much as was needed-into the wound. â€Å"Okay, hold the edges together for me, Doc.† Doc was speechless as this point, though his mouth hung wide. He did as I asked, using two hands to get both cuts. Jamie laughed. â€Å"That tickles.† Doc's eyes bulged. I smeared Seal across the X, watching with deep satisfaction as the edges fused together and faded to pink. â€Å"Can I see?† Jamie asked. â€Å"Let him up, Ian. We're almost done.† Jamie pulled himself up on his elbows, his eyes bright and curious. His sweaty, dirty hair was matted to his head. It didn't make sense now, next to the healthy glow of his skin. â€Å"See, I put this on,† I said, brushing a handful of glitter across the cuts, â€Å"and it makes the scar very faint. Like this.† I showed him the one on my arm. Jamie laughed. â€Å"But don't scars impress girls? Where did you get this stuff, Wanda? It's like magic.† â€Å"Jared took me on a raid.† â€Å"Seriously? That's awesome.† Doc touched the glistening powder residue on my hand, then held his fingers to his nose. â€Å"You should have seen her,† Jared said. â€Å"She was incredible.† I was surprised to hear his voice close behind me. I looked around for Sharon automatically and just caught sight of the flame of her hair leaving the room. Maggie was right behind her. How sad. How frightening. To be filled with so much hate that you could not even rejoice in the healing of a child†¦ How did anyone ever come to that point? â€Å"She walked right into a hospital, right up to the alien there, and asked them to treat her injuries, bold as anything. Then, when they turned their backs, she robbed them blind!† Jared made it sound exciting. Jamie was enjoying it, too; his smile was huge. â€Å"Walked right out of there with medicine enough to last us all for a long time. She even waved at the bugger behind the counter as she drove away.† Jared laughed. I couldn't do this for them, Melanie said, suddenly chagrined. You're of more value to them than I would be. Hush, I said. It was not a time for sadness or jealousy. Only joy. I wouldn't be here to help them without you. You saved him, too. Jamie was staring at me with big eyes. â€Å"It wasn't that exciting, really,† I told him. He took my hand, and I squeezed his, my heart swollen with gratitude and love. â€Å"It was very easy. I'm a bugger, too, after all.† â€Å"I didn't mean -† Jared started to apologize. I waved his protest away, smiling. â€Å"How did you explain the scar on your face?† Doc asked. â€Å"Didn't they wonder why you hadn't -â€Å" â€Å"I had to have fresh injuries, of course. I was careful to leave them nothing to be suspicious about. I told them I'd fallen with a knife in my hand.† I nudged Jamie with my elbow. â€Å"It could happen to anyone.† I was really flying high now. Everything seemed to glow from inside-the fabrics, the faces, the very walls. The crowd inside and outside the room had begun to murmur and question, but that noise was just a ringing in my ears-like the lingering sound after a bell is struck. A shimmer in the air. Nothing seemed real but the little circle of people I loved. Jamie and Jared and Ian and Jeb. Even Doc belonged in this perfect moment. â€Å"Fresh injuries?† Ian asked in a flat voice. I stared at him, surprised at the anger in his eyes. â€Å"It was necessary. I had to hide my scar. And learn how to heal Jamie.† Jared picked up my left wrist and stroked his finger over the faint pink line a few inches above it. â€Å"It was horrible,† he said, all the humor suddenly gone from his sober voice. â€Å"She about hacked her hand off. I thought she'd never use it again.† Jamie's eyes widened in horror. â€Å"You cut yourself?† I squeezed his hand again. â€Å"Don't be anxious-it wasn't that bad. I knew it would be healed quickly.† â€Å"You should have seen her,† Jared repeated in a low voice, still stroking my arm. Ian's fingers brushed across my cheek. It felt nice, and I leaned into his hand when he left it there. I wondered if it was the No Pain or just the joy of saving Jamie that made everything warm and glowing. â€Å"No more raids for you,† Ian murmured. â€Å"Of course she'll go out again,† Jared said, his voice louder with surprise. â€Å"Ian, she was absolutely phenomenal. You'd have to see to really understand. I'm only just beginning to guess at all the possibilities-â€Å" â€Å"Possibilities?† Ian's hand slid down my neck to my shoulder. He pulled me closer to his side, away from Jared. â€Å"At what cost to her? You let her almost hack her own hand off?† His fingers flexed around the top of my arm with his inflections. The anger didn't belong with the glow. â€Å"No, Ian, it wasn't like that,† I said. â€Å"It was my idea. I had to.† â€Å"Of course it was your idea,† Ian growled. â€Å"You'd do anything†¦ You have no limits when it comes to these two. But Jared shouldn't have let you -â€Å" â€Å"What other way was there, Ian?† Jared argued. â€Å"Did you have a better plan? Do you think she'd be happier if she was unhurt but Jamie was gone?† I flinched at the hideous thought. Ian's voice was less hostile when he answered. â€Å"No. But I don't understand how you could sit there and watch her do that to herself.† Ian shook his head in disgust, and Jared's shoulders hunched in response. â€Å"What kind of a man -â€Å" â€Å"A practical one,† Jeb interrupted. We all looked up. Jeb stood over us, a bulky cardboard box in his arms. â€Å"It's why Jared's the best at getting what we need. Because he can do what has to be done. Or watch what has to be done. Even when watching's harder than doing. â€Å"Now, I know it's closer to breakfast than supper, but I figured some of you haven't eaten in a while,† Jeb went on, changing the subject without subtlety. â€Å"Hungry, kid?† â€Å"Uh†¦ I'm not sure,† Jamie admitted. â€Å"I feel real hollow, but it doesn't feel†¦ bad.† â€Å"That's the No Pain,† I said. â€Å"You should eat.† â€Å"And drink,† Doc said. â€Å"You need liquids.† Jeb let the unwieldy box fall onto the mattress. â€Å"Thought we might have a bit of a celebration. Dig in.† â€Å"Wow, yum!† Jamie said, pawing through the box of dehydrated meals of the sort that hikers used. â€Å"Spaghetti. Excellent.† â€Å"Dibs on the garlic chicken,† Jeb said. â€Å"I've been missin' garlic quite a bit-though I imagine no one misses it on my breath.† He chuckled. Jeb was prepared, with bottles of water and several portable stoves. People began to gather around, squeezing together in the small space. I was wedged between Jared and Ian, and I'd pulled Jamie onto my lap. Though he was much too old for this, he didn't protest. He must have sensed how much both of us needed that-Mel and I had to feel him alive and healthy and in our arms. The shimmering circle seemed to widen, enveloping the entire late-night supper party, making them family, too. Everyone waited contentedly for Jeb to prepare the unexpected treats, in no hurry. Fear had been replaced by relief and happy news. Even Kyle, compressed into the small space on the other side of his brother, was not unwelcome in the circle. Melanie sighed in contentment. She was vibrantly aware of the warmth of the boy in my lap and the touch of the man who still stroked his hand against my arm. She wasn't even upset by Ian's arm around my shoulders. You're feeling the No Pain, too, I teased her. I don't think it's the No Pain. Not for either of us. No, you're right. This is more than I've ever had. This is so much of what I lost. What was it that made this human love so much more desirable to me than the love of my own kind? Was it because it was exclusive and capricious? The souls offered love and acceptance to all. Did I crave a greater challenge? This love was tricky; it had no hard-and-fast rules-it might be given for free, as with Jamie, or earned through time and hard work, as with Ian, or completely and heartbreakingly unattainable, as with Jared. Or was it simply better somehow? Because these humans could hate with so much fury, was the other end of the spectrum that they could love with more heart and zeal and fire? I didn't know why I had yearned after it so desperately. All I knew was that, now that I had it, it was worth every ounce of risk and agony it had cost. It was better than I'd imagined. It was everything. By the time the food was prepared and consumed, the late-or rather early-hour had gotten to us all. People stumbled out of the crowded room toward their beds. As they left, there was more space. Those remaining slouched down where we were as room became available. Gradually, we melted in place until we were horizontal. My head ended up pillowed on Jared's stomach; his hand stroked my hair now and then. Jamie's face was against my chest, and his arms were around my neck. One of my arms wrapped around his shoulders. Ian's head was cushioned on my stomach, and he held my other hand to his face. I could feel Doc's long leg stretched beside mine, his shoe by my hip. Doc was asleep-I could hear him snoring. I may have even been touching Kyle somewhere. Jeb was sprawled on the bed. He belched, and Kyle chuckled. â€Å"Nicer night than I was plannin' for. I like it when pessimism goes unrewarded,† Jeb mused. â€Å"Thanks, Wanda.† â€Å"Mmm,† I sighed, half asleep. â€Å"Next time she raids†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Kyle said, somewhere on the other side of Jared's body. A big yawn interrupted his sentence. â€Å"Next time she raids, I'm coming, too.† â€Å"She's not going out again,† Ian answered, his body tensing. I brushed my hand against his face, trying to soothe him. â€Å"Of course not,† I murmured to him. â€Å"I don't have to go anywhere unless I'm needed. I don't mind staying in here.† â€Å"I'm not talking about keeping you prisoner, Wanda,† Ian explained, irritated. â€Å"You can go anywhere you want as far as I'm concerned. Jogging on the highway, if you'd like that. But not a raid. I'm talking about keeping you safe.† â€Å"We need her,† Jared said, his voice harder than I wanted to hear it. â€Å"We got by fine without her before.† â€Å"Fine? Jamie would have died without her. She can get things for us that no one else can.† â€Å"She's a person, Jared, not a tool.† â€Å"I know that. I didn't say that -â€Å" â€Å"‘S up to Wanda, I'd say.† Jeb interrupted the argument just as I was about to. My hand was holding Ian down now, and I could feel Jared's body shifting under my head as he prepared to get up. Jeb's words froze them in place. â€Å"You can't leave it up to her, Jeb,† Ian protested. â€Å"Why not? Seems like she's got her own mind. ‘S it your job to make decisions for her?† â€Å"I'll tell you why not,† Ian grumbled. â€Å"Wanda?† â€Å"Yes, Ian?† â€Å"Do you want to go out on raids?† â€Å"If I can help, of course I should go.† â€Å"That's not what I asked, Wanda.† I was quiet for a moment, trying to remember his question to see how I'd gotten it wrong. â€Å"See, Jeb? She never takes into account her own wants-her own happiness, her own health, even. She'd do anything we asked her to, even if it got her killed. It's not fair to ask her things the way we'd ask each other. We stop to think about ourselves. She doesn't.† It was quiet. No one answered Ian. The silence dragged on until I felt compelled to speak for myself. â€Å"That's not true,† I said. â€Å"I think about myself all the time. And I†¦ I want to help. Doesn't that count? It made me so happy to help Jamie tonight. Can't I find happiness the way I want to?† Ian sighed. â€Å"See what I mean?† â€Å"Well, I can't tell her she can't go if she wants to,† Jeb said. â€Å"She's not a prisoner anymore.† â€Å"But we don't have to ask.† Jared was very quiet through all this. Jamie was quiet, too, but I was pretty sure he was asleep. I knew Jared wasn't; his hand was tracing random patterns on the side of my face. Glowing, burning patterns. â€Å"You don't need to ask,† I said. â€Å"I volunteer. It really wasn't†¦ frightening. Not at all. The other souls are very kind. I'm not afraid of them. It was almost too easy.† â€Å"Easy? Cutting your -â€Å" I interrupted Ian quickly. â€Å"That was an emergency. I won't have to do that again.† I paused for a second. â€Å"Right?† I checked. Ian groaned. â€Å"If she goes, I'm going, too,† he said in a bleak tone. â€Å"Someone has to protect her from herself.† â€Å"And I'll be there to protect the rest of us from her,† Kyle said with a chuckle. Then he grunted and said, â€Å"Ow.† I was too tired to lift my head to see who had hit Kyle now. â€Å"And I'll be there to bring you all back alive,† Jared murmured.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Spanish Flu Pandemic That Killed Millions in 1918

Spanish Flu Pandemic That Killed Millions in 1918 Every year, flu viruses make people sick. Even the garden-variety flu may kill people, but usually only the very young or the very old. In 1918, the flu mutated into something much more virulent. This new, deadlier flu acted very strangely; it seemed to target the young and healthy, being particularly deadly to 20 to 35-year-olds. In three waves from March 1918 to the Spring of 1919, this deadly flu spread quickly around the world, infecting hundreds of millions of people and killing 50 million to 100 million (upwards of 5% of the worlds population). This flu went by many names, including Spanish flu, grippe, Spanish Lady, the three-day fever, purulent bronchitis, sandfly fever, Blitz Katarrh. The First Reported Cases of the Spanish Flu No one is quite sure exactly where the Spanish flu first struck. Some researchers have pointed to origins in China, while others have traced it back to a small town in Kansas. The best recorded first case occurred in Fort Riley. Fort Riley was a military outpost in Kansas where new recruits were trained before being sent to Europe to fight in World War I. On March 11, 1918, Private Albert Gitchell, a company cook, came down with symptoms that at first appeared to be a bad cold. Gitchell went to the infirmary and was isolated. Within an hour, several additional soldiers had come down with the same symptoms and were also isolated. Despite the attempt to isolate those with symptoms, this extremely contagious flu quickly spread through Fort Riley. After five weeks, 1,127 soldiers at Fort Riley had been stricken with the Spanish flu; 46 of them had died. The Flu Spreads and Gets a Name Soon, reports of the same flu were noted in other military camps around the United States. Shortly thereafter, the flu infected soldiers on board transport ships. Although it was unintended, American troops brought this new flu with them to Europe. Beginning in mid-May, the flu started to strike French soldiers as well. The flu traveled across Europe, infecting people in nearly every country. When the flu rampaged through Spain, the Spanish government publicly announced the epidemic. Spain was the first country to be struck by the flu that was not involved in World War I; thus, it was the first country not to censor their health reports. Since most people first heard about the flu from its attack on Spain, the new flu was named the Spanish flu. The Spanish flu then spread to Russia, India, China, and Africa. By the end of July 1918, after having infected people all around the world, this first wave of the Spanish flu appeared to be dying out. The Spanish Flu Becomes Incredibly Deadly While the first wave of the Spanish flu had been extremely contagious, the second wave of the Spanish flu was both contagious and exceedingly deadly. In late August 1918, the second wave of the Spanish flu struck three port cities at nearly the same time. These cities (Boston, United States; Brest, France; and Freetown, Sierra Leone) all felt the lethalness of this new mutation immediately. Hospitals quickly became overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of patients. When hospitals filled up, tent hospitals were erected on lawns. Nurses and doctors were already in short supply because so many of them had gone to Europe to help with the war effort. Desperately needing help, hospitals asked for volunteers. Knowing they were risking their own lives by helping these contagious victims, many people, especially women, signed up anyway to help as best they could. The Symptoms of the Spanish Flu The victims of the 1918 Spanish flu suffered greatly. Within hours of feeling the first symptoms of extreme fatigue, fever, and headache, victims would start turning blue. Sometimes the blue color became so pronounced that it was difficult to determine a patients original skin color. The patients would cough with such force that some even tore their abdominal muscles. Foamy blood exited from their mouths and noses. A few bled from their ears. Some vomited; others became incontinent. The Spanish flu struck so suddenly and severely that many of its victims died within hours of coming down with their first symptom. Some died a day or two after realizing they were sick. Taking Precautions Not surprisingly, the severity of the Spanish flu was alarming. People around the world worried about getting it. Some cities ordered everyone to wear masks. Spitting and coughing in public was prohibited. Schools and theaters were closed. People also tried their own homemade prevention remedies, such as eating raw onions, keeping a potato in their pocket, or wearing a bag of camphor around their neck. None of these things stemmed the onslaught of the Spanish flus deadly second wave. Piles of Dead Bodies The number of bodies from the victims of the Spanish flu quickly outnumbered the available resources to deal with them. Morgues were forced to stack bodies like cordwood in the corridors. There werent enough coffins for all the bodies, nor were there enough people to dig individual graves. In many places, mass graves were dug to free the towns and cities of the masses of rotting corpses. Spanish Flu Childrens Rhyme When the  Spanish flu  killed millions of people around the world, it affected everyone. While the adults walked around wearing masks, children skipped rope to this rhyme. I had a little birdIts name was EnzaI opened a windowAnd In-flu-enza. Armistice Brings Third Wave of the Spanish Flu On November 11, 1918, an armistice brought an end to World War I. People around the world celebrated the end of this total war and felt jubilant that perhaps they were free from the deaths caused by both war and flu. However, as people hit the streets, gave kisses and hugs to returning soldiers, they also started a third wave of the Spanish flu. The third wave of the Spanish flu was not as deadly as the second wave, but still deadlier than the first. Although this third wave also went around the world, killing many of its victims, it received much less attention. People were ready to start their lives over again after the war; they were no longer interested in hearing about or fearing a deadly flu. Gone but Not Forgotten The third wave lingered. Some say it ended in the spring of 1919, while others believe it continued to claim victims through 1920. Eventually, however, this deadly strain of the flu disappeared. To this day, no one knows why the flu virus suddenly mutated into such a deadly form. Nor do they know how to prevent it from happening again. Scientists and researchers continue to research and learn about the 1918 Spanish flu in the hopes of being able to prevent another worldwide pandemic of the flu.

Monday, October 21, 2019

JD Salinger biography essays

JD Salinger biography essays Born Jerome David Salinger on January 1, 1919 in New York City, New York, only son to Sol and Marie Salinger. Very little is known about Mr. Salingers personal life, as he is a firm recluse currently living alone in a cottage in Cornish, New Hampshire, and is insistent on keeping information about himself private. What little is known about him, however, is rather interesting. As a child, Mr. Salinger lived in Manhattans Upper West Side in New York. He attended a few private prep schools, each of which he dropped out of for his failing grades. As a teenager, he attended Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania. Rumor has it that the idea to attend the academy was his. For college Mr. Salinger attended, briefly, New York University, which he left for refusing to apply himself. He also attended Ursinus College and Columbia University, where he wrote and had published his first work, The Young Folks. For eight years following that publication, Salinger suffered through rejection after rejection by the magazine the New Yorker, until the submission of, A Perfect Day for Bananafish in 1948, which flew through the reviews and checkpoints of the magazine staff. The only exception to this was the publication of, Slight Rebellion Off Madison, which ground through the New Yorkers works before being approved two years prior. For the next two years after Bananafish, Mr. Salinger published numerous short stories in the New Yorker as well as a couple of other magazines. The single most important work of Mr. Salingers career was the publication of The Catcher in the Rye in 1951. The success of the novel was so overwhelming it may have been what caused him to isolate himself from the public eye, but he always was a bit of a loner, and seemed headed towards seclusion anyway. Because of the mystic surrounding him, many reporters and fans of Mr. Salinger have wri...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Best Medical Schools in the US 2018 - Extended Review †

Best Medical Schools in the US 2018 - Extended Review Medical education is among the most popular and prestigious areas in the United States. Medical professions are in the top rankings of the most paid specialties; training takes a long time and requires serious preliminary efforts and large investments. The standards of American medicine are recognized around the world. No surprise that many people in the USA dream to become a medical worker and become a part of the US medical sector. Do you want to engage in medicine; aim at graduating from the best medical schools? Click to read a review of the best medical schools in the US 2018, Chapel Hill and Ann Arbor, and all the nuances of studying in the United States. Harvard Medical School Average cost of the year of study: $ 55'850 It is among the best medical schools in the US 2018; over 19% of all medical workers in the country study here. It is known to produce qualified specialists that are in demand on the market. Being one of the most famed medical schools in the state, Harvard has quite tough entry requirements. The MCAT result should be no lower than 37 out of 45 points; GPA score should be about 3.93 out of 4 points, no less. Stanford University School of Medicine Average cost of the year of study: $ 52'491 Stanford Medical School is the 2nd largest school in the nation. It has over 460 students, which is less than 12% of all medical workers in the country. The university is known for a solid knowledge base provided to those studying and proficient faculty. Entry requirements in Stanford University School of Medicine are high. One should have MCAT score no lower than 37 and a GPA grade of about 3.85. No surprise that far from everyone enrolls at a school. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Average cost of the year of study: $ 48'750 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is another top place for people acquiring education in the north of the country. Over 480 students graduate from the Hopkins School of Medicine yearly, which is over 13% in the whole country. This number is impressive. The school is one of top-rated due to the education level and conditions provided to the students. Those studying at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are practicing in one of the country's best hospitals. Entry requirements here are tough. MCAT is 36 and more; GPA is no less than 3.91 points. Medical School of the University of California, San Francisco Average cost of the year of study: $ 44'996 Medical School of the University of California (San Francisco) is another prestigious place for students. It poses less strict requirements to entrants and provides a solid knowledge base to students.   Entry requirements set by the school are the following. The MCAT is not lower than 36, GPA is 3.85 and higher. Over 650 students enter the medical school of the University of California, which is about 15% of all medical staff in the United States. This high amount can be explained by a well-weighted balance between the education quality and fee. Perelman Medical School Average cost of the year of study: $ 52'210 The Perelman school is a separate part of the University of Pennsylvania. Approximately 653 students yearly graduate from Perelman Medical School. It is about 19% of all medical workers in the US. The entrant must provide MCAT results no lower than 38 and GPA of around 3.88 to enter the school. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Average cost of the year of study: $ 25'000 IUPUI was formed due to the merge of two leading Indiana universities and today trains over 30,000 students. A distinctive feature of the university is an extensive number of educational programs, which are offered on the basis of seventeen schools, and extensive scholarship opportunities. Among the taught disciplines are the School of Health, the School of Dentistry, and Rehabilitation, the School of Medicine, and the Nursing School. IUPUI is in the rating of the best universities with the best teaching at the bachelor's level. The university's programs in nursing are in the Top 25 US courses in this area. On the basis of the university schools, you can get specialization in almost any medical discipline, whether Anesthesia, Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Psychiatry, Urology, Gynecology, Surgery and much more. Students get full access to practical studies as well as research activities. In total, IUPUI attracts more than $ 336 million of investment for research, grants, and awards. Saint Louis University, Washington Average cost of the year of study: $ 20'000 St. Louis University (Washington) is a medium-sized school that trains 13,000 people. It has two campuses, in the US Missouri and Spanish Madrid. For almost 200 years, this university offers students a large selection of training courses, comprehensive support, and accommodation in an equipped campus. The University includes the Educational Dental Center, the Center for Ethics and Health, the College of Medical Sciences, the School of Medicine, and the Nursing School. Here, you can study Endocrinology, Dermatology, Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Plastic Surgery,   Neurology, and much more. In the course of training, it is necessary to undergo clinical practice and engage in research. University of Utah Average cost of the year of study is $ 22'500 The University of Utah is a major university in Salt Lake City that trains around 30,000 people. The school belongs to the most famous universities of the world and is famous for its quality teaching, various scholarship programs, organization of active leisure for students, and placement of students in a modern campus. The university's medical school educated most practicing doctors of Utah, and its graduates work throughout America and around the world. The school offers a variety of programs in different fields of medicine and health. It conducts research in genetics, cancer treatment, biomedicine, and modern technical medical developments. Popular specializations include Psychiatry, Family Medicine, Oncology, Pediatrics, Biochemistry, Dermatology, etc. The school boasts a College of Health and a Nursing College, on the basis of which you can get professional qualifications. How Long Is Medical School Education? Wondering how long is medical school in the USA? Acquiring medical education in the country takes about eleven-sixteen years. One has to study in an undergraduate school for four years; the next four years are in a direct school, and about eight years are to acquire the secondary specialization in a particular field. It is important to obtain all the necessary licenses and undergo constant professional development to comply with all legal regulations and news in the country. The process of obtaining a doctor's qualification in the US is as follows: Baccalaureate with a bias in biology and chemistry – 4 years. The preparatory program (pre-med) is an optional step. Passing the MCAT exam. Medical school (English Medical school) – 4 years (theoretical training - 2 years and clinical practice - 2 years). Residency – from 3 to 8 years (specialization matters). The shortest programs are for family medicine; the longest ones are for neurosurgery. Residency for general surgery takes 5 years. Specialized practice – takes 1-2 years and often includes elements of research work. The student has time to practice together with training in residency. It is an indispensable condition for a number of medical specialties. Professional certification, which includes exams for the chosen specialization. Best Medical Schools – Entering Requirements In the higher medical school, the US student spends four years. First 24 months pass in the school classrooms and are exclusively theatrical. Apart from the theoretical part, students are supposed to be involved in practical classes on Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Medical Care, etc. Clinical practice is scheduled to begin in the third year of training. The fourth year takes place in the hospital in one of the departments of Surgery, Therapy, Pediatrics, etc. Duration of residency differs depending on the specialty. By the end of the training, the graduate receives general education in the specialties Surgery, Therapy, Gynecology, etc. First Aid – 3-4 years Family practice – 3 years Pediatrics – 3 years Gynecology – 4 years Psychiatry – 4 years General surgery – 5 years Specialized surgery, plastic surgery – 5-6 years (depending on specialization) Urology – 5 years At the end of the residency, each student has the opportunity to take an exam in the specialty data (Board certification). The successful passing of such an examination provides one with certification by the American Association of Physicians in the chosen specialty. It is not necessary to take this exam; almost everyone is handed over to it. The availability of the certificate increases the prestige and helps in the further employment. Least Competitive Medical Schools On admission, those residing in the state are in preference; after graduation, they will be able to work on site. They even get a â€Å"place† in a hospital reserved for them. The high score got in high school and during the study in baccalaureate is important. The general requirements of best medical schools for applicants are as follows: Bachelor's degree with compulsory study of biology and chemistry. Some schools require the availability of hours for English, mathematics, and natural sciences. Good MCAT results – a mandatory test for admission to  medical schools in the United States. If necessary, the results of other standard tests are required. English language knowledge test results – TOEFL, IELTS, or any other. The entrant should carefully read the requirements of the school and other relevant information, which may differ from the standards. Some additional tests, examinations, and interviews may be required. In our report below, check the best medical schools and their entering requirements; find the least competitive medical schools here. College MCAT GPA TOEFL IELTS Harvard University 518 3.92 103 7.5 Johns Hopkins University 519 3.92 110 7.0 Stanford University 518 3.89 100 7.0 University of California, San Francisco 508 3.79 100 7.5 The Cornell University (Weill) 519 3.87 100 7.0 University of Virginia 519 3.9 100 7.0 The school admission committee evaluates such parameters as communication skills, computer literacy, and experience of volunteer work related to helping people or animals. References from school teachers are included in the standard set of documents for admission. Final Say! Medical school education in the USA is known for its high quality, and the standards of American medicine are well-known around the world. Those who have American diploma can successfully find employment not only in the US but in other countries. To enter American universities, it is not needed to pass the entrance exams. The selection of students is based on the results of tests, previous assessments, motivation letters, and other application documents. When submitting documents, it is necessary to take into account that education in the USA is exclusively paid. It is necessary to be very selective when choosing a school. Choose one of the best medical schools in the US 2018 right now!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Theories on Crime Comparison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Theories on Crime Comparison - Research Paper Example This research paper discusses crime and criminal acts that both define crucial components of our societies nowadays. The researcher states that no society exists without any form of crime today. Crimes that transpire in various societies are of different magnitudes, causes and effects on the given society. However, any form of crime is detrimental to the given society and this explains the setting up of various institutions to eradicate this act. Crimes have seen immense loss innocent lives and destruction of property as well as wastage of national resources just in the hands of a few individuals. When people in the given society run away and detach from the labeled criminal, the victim will fall into psychological depression that will direct him/ her to commit heinous acts in bid to attract public attention and recognition. This research paper also describes as how to deal with crime and presents philosophers opinions, who came up with strategic modalities of studying various types of crimes, causes and ways of solving and handling the various forms of crimes. In that light, social psychologists have compressed expansive details entailing crime into comprehensive frames called theories. The researcher then focuses on discussing of various crime theories and uses real-life examples as on how to make them evident. Examples of the crime theories in action presented in this research paper include the developmental crime theory, labeling theory, strain theory, and rational choice theory among others.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Report - Coursework Example The purpose was to come up with a statistical explanation for their radioactivity and to establish the procedure. The coins were tossed and probability was used to determine the process of decay. The coins were put in a flat box with a cover and the box was shaken for a couple of seconds. After shaking, the coins were poured out onto a flat surface. The coins with their heads up were decayed. The coins with tails up were not decayed. Ten random tosses were made after shaking the box and the count of decayed coins was made after each toss. The decayed coins were then removed and the other coins returned into the box for more shake and spread on the table. According to the first hypothesis, the results show that the nine tosses from the box lead to decay of all coins. The line graph of experiment one shows that there is a gradual but approximately consistent decay of the 195 coins used. The second hypothesis according to the table is also averagely true. The results show that in four out of nine tosses, more than half of the coins decay. The cumulative frequency shows that all the 195 coins decay eventually. The coins were replaced with 16 new coins after every trial. The different sets of coins were put in the box and shaken then tossed on a table. The results were taken to determine the number of coins that decayed on the first throw. The coins should not be put in a box because collecting many boxes is tedious. They should be tossed only. One person should collect decayed coins, another tosses only. To avoid tampering with the decay substance. Time should also be calculated within tosses to ensure

A Super Computer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Super Computer - Essay Example The problem was clear to the average reader and did not require a reader to go through it severally in order to understand the message that was being put across as the essay. However, the essay made hasty conclusions and provided incomplete arguments as the evidence that was provided was not sufficient to prove some of the points presented in the essay (White, 1996, 40). This is is seen in the argument that the computer is not capable of understanding the connection between between ideas in their own as this is a form of understanding that is developed by human being. Nonetheless, it shold also be noted that human beings are responsible for the manner in which computers work and all the input that that goes into them. Therefore, self-awareness for the computer cannt be ruled out as the computers can learn it from the human elements that the scientists input into it. The point that the essay states that agreeing to what the super computer is asking for on the basis of self-awareness will imply that the computer will not work in the way it is supposed to can be considered as an unknown fact. The main reason why this is considered as an unknown fact is that it cannot be used in science of philosophy and cannot be verified (White, 1996, 47). There is no way of being certain that the computer will fail to function as it is supposed to if it was allowed to continue operating with its self-awareness and if the scientists yield to its demand except through giving it that chance and making the decision after seeing the outcome.

Reflection Paper 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection Paper 4 - Essay Example In other words a face that looks open, alive with a wide smile that says â€Å"you’re welcome† (Marshall &  Jackson &  Sue 2004). Smarter look can be achieved with a pair of glasses and concentrated, meditated look with focusing on some exact object. You could also read a book or newspaper (Sherrow 2001). To look liberal it is best to know how to listen to others and give them time to freely express their thoughts and from my side it would be fair to honor other’s point of view. That is liberal. Wealth can be achieved with accessories like watch, cigarette case, shiny lighter, cool look and busy face like you’re waiting for some important meeting on the matter of serious business. All this details can be achiieved with such aspects of personal appearance as expression of the face, manner of talking, sitting, standing, walking etc. In other words anything serves the purpose and everything is important. It’s all necessary to become a more competen t communicator because people like and feel more open to talk to the successful, happy looking, spectacular or in general cool people (Rumsey & Harcourt 2005). But what is most important and it’s a simple truth is inner good because while all the outer things can be managed with right skills, inner respectful condition can only be achieved with real values because after first appearance they will continue the work which was started by the simple good

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business - Research Paper Example ates and sold domestically. Furthermore, it is the hope of this author that by elaborating upon the fundamental decision-making structure that must be engaged with in order for such a choice to be made logically, the reader will come to a more full and complete appreciation for the many factors that take place prior to affirm determining what particular strategy and means of operation it will pursue. Finally, the analysis will seek to take a definitive stance with regards to whether making or buying a product is the better approach. Before delving too deeply into the issue at hand, it should be understood that such a level of inquiry necessarily demands that the firm/business entity must engage in a cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing versus domestic production. However, although it may seem that this cost-benefit analysis is necessarily something that is simple, it involves a series of steps, several different measurements, and a thorough analysis of both compliments and inputs of production as well as projected levels of sale and/or import tariffs/taxes/duties (Kisner, 2003). Due to the general complexity of this decision-making process, many firms have engaged in electronic software systems that help to keep a running tabulation of all differentials involved. However, for purposes of this brief analysis, the reader should seek to integrate with the determinant costs and benefits based upon experience analytical and non-electronically facilitated process. From even a cursory review of the make versus buy argument, the reader should come to understand there are essentially for primal numbers that the analyst must be fundamentally aware of. These four determinants which must be measured prior to any consideration being given are as follows: the volume, the fixed cost of making, per-unit direct cost when making, and per-unit cost when buying (Whittle, 2012). Accordingly, the preceding analysis will seek to engage the reader with a more full and complete underst anding of why each of these four determinants must be fundamentally understood and appreciated prior to any actionable decision being made by the entity in question. Besides the obvious level of importance of the four specific values which have been listed an elaborate upon the above, their overall importance is more specifically with regards to their representation within two specific equations. Ultimately, as can be expected, these two equations are understood as â€Å"costs to buy was quote and â€Å"costs to make†; however, more often, these equations are merely referenced in terms of their respective acronyms – CTB/CTM. Respect to CTB, this can be defined as volume multiplied by per unit cost when buying (Zhu, 1997). Likewise, with relation to CTM, this can be understood as fixed unit costs plus per unit direct cost multiplied by volume. In and of themselves, the determinant compliments of these equations tell the producer/importer little if

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Debt sustainability and Fiscal Councils Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Debt sustainability and Fiscal Councils - Essay Example The most obvious reasons of rising government debt are the failure to collect enough taxes or revenues in order to meet the expenditure of the government. Economists argue that if the level of government deficit is very high then it implies that the government will be unable to spend a similar amount in the future (Euro Economics, 2015). The following equation captures the debt to GDP ratio in a comprehensive manner.Growth rate of debt to GDP ratio= primary deficit/ B + i –growth rate of nominal GDPB= nominal quantity of government bondsi= nominal rate of interestPrimary deficit= This measures the total budget deficit of the government minus the amount that has to be paid as interest on the debt.The equation above shows that there are three main factors which can cause very high level of government deficit (Abel and Bernanke, 2005). The first one is a very high deficit spending on the part of the government. The second one is an increase in the rate of nominal interest on the debt that has been collected on the part of the government and third is a sluggish economic growth. Falling rates of interest has contributed to a high level of debt as it became easier to finance the operations of the government through debt instruments. A rise in the propensity of savings in the emerging markets has been found to be a major factor which has contributed to the fall in the interest rates. Finally, preferential treatment of payment of interest on debt has been found to be a contributing factor.

International Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business - Research Paper Example ates and sold domestically. Furthermore, it is the hope of this author that by elaborating upon the fundamental decision-making structure that must be engaged with in order for such a choice to be made logically, the reader will come to a more full and complete appreciation for the many factors that take place prior to affirm determining what particular strategy and means of operation it will pursue. Finally, the analysis will seek to take a definitive stance with regards to whether making or buying a product is the better approach. Before delving too deeply into the issue at hand, it should be understood that such a level of inquiry necessarily demands that the firm/business entity must engage in a cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing versus domestic production. However, although it may seem that this cost-benefit analysis is necessarily something that is simple, it involves a series of steps, several different measurements, and a thorough analysis of both compliments and inputs of production as well as projected levels of sale and/or import tariffs/taxes/duties (Kisner, 2003). Due to the general complexity of this decision-making process, many firms have engaged in electronic software systems that help to keep a running tabulation of all differentials involved. However, for purposes of this brief analysis, the reader should seek to integrate with the determinant costs and benefits based upon experience analytical and non-electronically facilitated process. From even a cursory review of the make versus buy argument, the reader should come to understand there are essentially for primal numbers that the analyst must be fundamentally aware of. These four determinants which must be measured prior to any consideration being given are as follows: the volume, the fixed cost of making, per-unit direct cost when making, and per-unit cost when buying (Whittle, 2012). Accordingly, the preceding analysis will seek to engage the reader with a more full and complete underst anding of why each of these four determinants must be fundamentally understood and appreciated prior to any actionable decision being made by the entity in question. Besides the obvious level of importance of the four specific values which have been listed an elaborate upon the above, their overall importance is more specifically with regards to their representation within two specific equations. Ultimately, as can be expected, these two equations are understood as â€Å"costs to buy was quote and â€Å"costs to make†; however, more often, these equations are merely referenced in terms of their respective acronyms – CTB/CTM. Respect to CTB, this can be defined as volume multiplied by per unit cost when buying (Zhu, 1997). Likewise, with relation to CTM, this can be understood as fixed unit costs plus per unit direct cost multiplied by volume. In and of themselves, the determinant compliments of these equations tell the producer/importer little if

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Child abuse Essay Example for Free

Child abuse Essay Child abuse is one of the biggest injustices of all time because it is a never ending cycle. Child abuse is the physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child. Children are young, innocent, and fragile. Their minds are like sponges, absorbing everything they see and feel. Thus, leading the children to being the advocate of child abuse when their older. Abused and neglected children are 11 times more likely to engage in criminal behavior as an adult. Therefore, child abuse leads the victims to not have the opportunity to a bright future. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse. Over 75% of children who experience maltreatment or abuse suffer from neglect. For every incident of neglect thats reported, an estimated two incidents go unreported. Approximately one in ten young adults (9%) was cruelly neglected by parents or guardians during their childhood. Based on the interviews with 1,761 young adults between the ages of 18 to 24, one in 6 (16%) young adults were neglected at some point during their childhood, with one in 10 young adults (9%) severely neglected during their childhood. Based on the interviews with 2,275 children between the ages of 11 to 17, one in 7 (13.3%) secondary school children have been neglected at some point, with one in 10 children (9.8%) severely neglected. Based on the interviews with 2,160 parents or guardians of children under 11 years old, one in 20 (5%) of children under 11 have been neglected at least once before, with one in 30 (3.7%) severely neglected. On March 31, 2012 (or in Scotland on July 2012), there were 21,666 children in the United Kingdom on the subject of child protection plans under the category of neglect. On March 31, 2012 (or in Scotland on July 31, 2012), 43% of all children on the subject of child protection plans in the United Kingdom were under the category of neglect. There were 18, 220 children were the subject of a child protection plan under the category of neglect in England on March 31, 2012. In England, 43% of all children subject of a child protection plan were under the category of neglect on March 31, 2012. There were 1,006 children on the child protection register under the category of neglect in Scotland on July 31, 2012. In Scotland, 37% of all children on the child protection register under the category of neglect on July 31, 2012. There were 1,040 children on the child protection register under the category of neglect in Northern Ireland on March 31,  2012. In Northern Ireland, 49% of all children on the child protection register were under the category of neglect on March 31, 2012. There were 1,400 children on the child protection register under the category of neglect in Wales on March 31, 2012. In Wales, 48% of all children on the child protection register were under the category of neglect in March 31, 2012. In England, about one in seven children who became the subject of a plan for neglect in 2011-2012 had been subject to a plan at least once before. There were 6.2 million children referred to Child Protective Services in 2011. About 3.7 million children were investigated for maltreatment by CPS in 2011. There were 676,569 children decided to be victims of abuse or neglect in 2011. The most common victims of abuse and neglect are children age 2 and under. More than 11% of victims had a reported disability. In the U.S., there are about 1,570 child victims per year caused by maltreatment and an average of 30 child fatality victims per week. Most child fatalities were under 4 years old (81.6%) with 42.4% less than one year old. In the U.S., 37% of states limit information on child deaths and accidents. In the U.S., the yearly estimated direct cost of medical care of child abuse and neglect is $33,333,619,510. In the U.S., the yearly estimated direct and indirect cost of child abuse and ne glect is $80,260,411,087. The percentage of states that do not obligate legal representation for victims in abuse and neglect is 39%. There are about 408,425 children in the foster care system. About 27,854 of those children aged out of foster care. The percentage of the general population that has a bachelors degree is 30%. The percentage of former foster children that have a bachelors degree is 3%. The percentage of the general population in jail or prison is greater than 1%. The percentage of former foster children incarcerated since age 17 that are males is 64%. The percentage of former foster children incarcerated that are females is 32.5%. The percentage of the general population who experience homelessness during a year is greater than 1%. The percentage of former foster children who experience homelessness after aging out of the system is 24%. The percentage of former foster children who are unemployed for 1 year after aging out is 61%. The percentage of former foster children who are unemployed for 5 years after aging out is 53.5%. Ronald T. is a victim of physical abuse, emotional maltreatment, and neglect.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Features of Karate

Features of Karate Karate-do Introduction Karate is a martial art that was originally created in Japan. The main idea of karate is battling and defending by using defensive and counteroffensive body movements including punches and kicks. The psychological and ethical characteristics of karate aim to advance and improve the student in general. The term karate is a mixture of two Chinese characters: kara (empty) and te (hand), thus karate means empty hand. The suffix -do is added to the word karate to indicate that karate as an overall way of life. An individual who practices karate is sometimes referred to as a karateka. The conventional karate-do is a difficult sport and it takes time and dedication to become a master in this martial art. Three components of karate   Ã‚   The five main karate styles are: Shotokan, Shito-ryu, Goju-ryu, Wado-ryu, and Kyokushin. Karate training is separated into three sections: Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. Kihon means basic techniques. These techniques are mostly attacking moves, blocking moves, stances, and other movements. The trainer demonstrates a certain move, which is then imitated by the student. It is vital to practice and repeat the basic fundamental movements because as a result, the student develops the right techniques. Kata means form. It is a sequence of certain movements displayed in a pattern that the student has to memorize. It represents a battle or a fight against an enemy or enemies. In karate training, every kata begins with a block and this proves that defense is the most significant aspect of karate. In karate, there are numerous katas as they help at shaping the body and mind. The katas are performed slowly with full strength and help at developing control of the entire body, mind, breathing, rhythm, and breathing. In order to perform the katas in the right way, they have to be repeated thoroughly and carefully with full relaxation and focus. Kumite means partner work. In karate, there should not be any opponents or enemies, only partners. Traditional kumite help advance karate students both mentally and physically with the help of their partners. Karate ranks In karate, different colored belts indicate the ranking and the skill level of a karate practitioner. Once a karate student has obtained a karate belt of a certain/rank, people can see your ranking and that you have dedicated your time getting to that level. Simply because somebody has a white belt tied to him/her, it doesnt mean that he/she is not experienced in karate, it means that the person is ready to thrive to gain the skill. There are nine belt colors in karate: white, orange, blue, red, black, yellow, green, purple, and brown. Not all karate schools/clubs use all of these colors and the arrangement of the belts/ranks differ from school to school. The role of an instructor is very important in karate and they have different behaviors. Some teachers easily hand out new belts without thinking and others are careful when choosing the student who deserves a higher rank. Karate belt colors vary from school to school. Some schools include the colors red and purple in their system, while others only have 7 colors. Some schools also use stripped belts with different colors. The order of the belt colors may vary, but most of the time, the white belt is for the beginner and the black belt is the highest ranked belt color. Three of the most common orders of belt colors are: 1. White, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, brown, black. 2. White, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, black. 3. White, yellow, green, orange, red, blue, purple, brown, black. To get to the next phase/belt, the student is required to dedicate his time into improving every day and trying his/her best. Generally, it takes anywhere from 8 to 18 months of training and practice to move to the next phase in karate. The more you practice, the faster you will get a new belt. Each of nine colors of belts in karate have meaning behind them. White Belt: The white belt is the symbol of purity. This makes sense because those who are just starting out in karate are innocent and do not know how much work and discipline is required in order to become a master in karate. This level introduces the basics and the first ideas about karate. This is the beginning of a path to mastery. Yellow Belt: Once a student gets a yellow belt, it means that he/she is past the introductory level of karate and has basic understanding of the art and has the ability to do basic karate. The yellow belt represents energy. The student now has more control over their bodys energy. Orange Belt: The symbol of an orange belt is stability. Practicing karate includes basic punches, kicks, blocks, and postures. The basic skills gained from the first three belts will be necessary to progress in karate because all of the techniques learned in higher belts will be learned upon the basic skills. Purple belt: Once a student gets a purple belt, it means that he/she has advanced from beginner to intermediate level. At this stage, students should be able to understand all basic strikes and blocks. They should also be comfortable with controlling and moving their body in order to do a certain strike/block. Blue belt: A student who has a blue belt must learn to adapt to given situations. Karate belt colors vary from school to school. Some schools include the colors red and purple in their system, while others only have 7 colors. Some schools also use stripped belts with different colors. The order of the belt colors may vary, but most of the time, the white belt is for the beginner and the black belt is the highest ranked belt color. Three of the most common orders of belt colors are: 1. White, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, brown, black 2. White, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, black 3. White, yellow, green, orange, red, blue, purple, brown, black To get to the next phase/belt, the student is required to dedicate his time into improving every day and trying his/her best. Generally, it takes anywhere from 8 to 18 months of training and practice to move to the next phase in karate. The more you practice, the faster you will get a new belt. Each of nine colors of belts in karate have meaning behind them. White Belt The white belt is the symb ol of purity. This makes sense because those who are just starting out in karate are innocent and do not know how much work and discipline is required in order to become a master in karate. This level introduces the basics and the first ideas about karate. This is the beginning of a path to mastery. Yellow Belt Once a student gets a yellow belt, it means that he/she is past the introductory level of karate and has basic understanding of the art and has the ability to do basic karate. The yellow belt represents energy. The student now has more control over their bodys energy. Orange Belt The symbol of an orange belt is stability. Practicing karate includes basic punches, kicks, blocks, and postures. The basic skills gained from the first three belts will be necessary to progress in karate because all of the techniques learned in higher belts will be learned upon the basic skills. Purple belt Once a student gets a purple belt, it means that he/she has advanced from beginner to interme diat

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Shakespeares King Lear - Father/Son Conflicts Caused by Inferiority Complex and Power Struggle :: essays research papers

Throughout the play King Lear, by William Shakespeare, a conflict is conveyed through father and son: Gloucester and Edmund. Although the cause of this conflict is Gloucester’s betrayal by his bastard son, Edmund, there is more to this conflict than a simple power struggle. Through intertwining plots and scandals, Edmund creates a forged letter, destructively â€Å"written† by his half-brother, Edgar, having to do with his made up plans to murder his father, Gloucester. Edmund surpasses this first betrayal and reaches the epitome of evil when he plots against his father by finding ways to cross Gloucester with Regan and Cornwall, further enhancing his potential inheritance and power. In this conflict, Edmund is the ultimate cause and initiator, making his father a victim to the scandal Edmund has viciously created. The conflict between Gloucester and his contriving son contribute to King Lear by becoming a parallel between Lear’s problems with his own daughters. Lear finds himself in a similar situation, his two daughters, Regan and Goneril, also scheme to betray their father, with hopes to profit from his loss of power. The resemblance between Lear’s daughters and Edmund holds a purpose to enhance the reader’s perception of what conflicts the desire for more power can create. Only through conveying separate instances of incredible treason between parent and offspring can the meaning and truth within the play’s key theme of betrayal be expressed. Shakespeare creates the character of Edmund to be the perfect villain. Not only does he â€Å"fight dirty† to gain power, he does it through manipulation and a complete lack of a conscience throughout a majority of the play. Because he is the illegitimate child he plans to, â€Å"if not by birth, have lands by wit.† The conflict between him and Gloucester is simply an inevitable effect caused by Edmund’s unyielding desire to gain more than his bastard status affords. He basically rips the Earl title away, along with his father’s eyes because of his unstoppable ambition. It is precisely this power-hungry vigor that Edmund maintains throughout the play that stirs the conflict with his father, enhancing the main plot of the betrayal of Lear by his duplicitous daughters. Edmund becomes increasingly consumed with the idea of gaining power and losing the bastard status that has been tagged to him since birth.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Scarlet Letter 10 :: essays research papers

'Among many morals which press upon us from the poor minister's miserable experience, we put only this into a sentence: Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!';(Ch.24: 236) Hawthorne expresses the purpose of writing this novel in that short sentence. He creates characters who have sin and disguise these sins for their own salvation. Slowly these sins evolve the characters, it strengthens Hester, humanizes Dimmesdale, and turns Chillingworth into a demon. The story is Hawthorne's depiction of the effects of sin on the hearts and minds of humanity during the Puritan society through the characters Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth. Hester's sin is that her passion and love were of more importance to her than the Puritan moral code, but she learns the error of her ways and slowly regains the adoration of the community. For instance, 'What we did had a consecration of its own. We felt it so! We said so to each other! Hast thou forgotten it?';(Ch.17: 179). Hester fully acknowledges her guilt and displays it with pride to the world. This was obvious by the way she displays the scarlet letter with elaborate designs showing that she is proud. Furthermore, she does not want to live a life of lies anymore when she states 'forgive me! In all things else, I have striven to be true! Truth was the one virtue which I might have held fast, and did hold fast, through all extremity save when thy good--the life--they fame--were put in question! Then I consented a deception. But a lie is never good, even though death threaten the other side!';(Ch.17: 177). Hester learns from her sin, and grows strong, a direct result from her pu nishment. The scarlet letter 'A' was as if a blessing to Hester changing her into an honest person with good virtues. Fittingly, she chooses to stay in Boston with Pearl although Hawthorne admits, ';…that this woman should still call that place her home, where, and where only, she must needs be the type of shame';(Ch.5: 73). She is trying to stay and face her consequences instead of running in the other direction. Most people would leave a town where they are looked upon as trash the scum of society. Finally, the colonists come to think of the scarlet letter as '…the cross on a nun's bosom';(Ch.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Communication Barrier Essay

Communication is defined as â€Å"an exchange of information.† It involved the transmission of ideas and thoughts. To communicate means that you share with others your concepts, your thoughts and ideas. Most of our time is spent in this mutual relationship by either speaking or listening. This ability to communicate is what makes man the unique creature that he is, with the ability to control and dominate, to build and maintain. Communications is a big thing in America. It is said to be our most vital and largest industry. We are awed by man’s methods of communication. We find them complete in oral, written or visualized form. In spite of this, communication is a big problem in our lives. Because of human nature, certain barriers exist making the communication process either ineffective or impossible. At times we just do not get through to people. This often results in misunderstanding. Many splits in congregations are due to the communications problem. Brethren have trouble talking to each other, they become estranged and some become enemies. Much of this can be eliminated if we understand some of the barriers to our communication. In the discussion that follows, the principal barriers to communicating effectively in today’s working environment are identified, and proven techniques for coping with them are considered. The principal barriers to effective communication are: noise, poor feedback, selection of inappropriate media, a wrong mental attitude, insufficient or lack of attention to work selection, delay in message transmittal, physical separation of the sender and receiver, and lack of empathy or a good relationship between the sender and receiver. Let’s now give four examples of communication barriers and the solution of each one as well. There are many communication barriers that come up during the communication process. First, there are physical distractions that interfere with the effectiveness of a communication attempt. For example, I work at a hardware store and I would be mixing paint for customer while another customer comes up to me and asks where something is located in the store. For this case, it can be many ways. You can ask someone else to attend to the customer, yet still be able to accomplish your job without losing the customer. If the first customer not around, you should attend to the other customer first and go back to your job. Second, we live in a â€Å"verbal† environment. Words constitute the most frequently used tool for communicating. Words usually facilitate communication; however, their careless, improper use in a given situation can create a communication barrier. Arthur Kudner, an advertising executive, once told his son: â€Å"All big things have little names such as life and death, peace and war, or dawn, day, night, hope, love, and home. Learn to use little words in a big way. It is hard to do, but they say what you mean. When you don’t know what you mean – use big words; they often fool little people.† The words we use should be selected carefully. Dr. Rudolph Flesch, a specialist in words and communication, suggests a way to break through the word barrier: use familiar words in place of the unfamiliar, use concrete words in place of the abstract, use short words in place of long and use single words in place of several. Unfortunately, almost every commonly used word has more than one meaning. Also words have regional meanings or derive new meanings as a result of the development of new industries or fields. The meaning conveyed by the sender’s words depends upon the experience and attitude of the receiver. Therefore, one way to penetrate the word barrier is for the sender to strive to speak or write in terms of the receiver’s experience and attitude. The better able he is to do this, the more successful the communication will be. Dr. S. E. Hayakawa, a U.S. Senator from California, expressed it very well when he said, â€Å"The meanings of words are not in the words; they are in us.† Third, the ability to empathize with someone else may not be easy. If you are to see things from another’s viewpoint, you have to put aside your own prejudices and preconceptions. The receiver may be of a different race,  creed, educational background, from a different section of the country, or have a different specialty or rank within the organization. Under these circumstances, the task of empathizing with the other member of the communication link is difficult. The task is further complicated if you believe that understanding another’s viewpoint may pose a threat to your own. To better communicate, we must try to see ourselves through the eyes of others in the communication link. By developing some empathy with the people to whom we will be directing messages, we might recognize the need to modify our messages from time to time before sending them. We should use easy word when we communicate with other people, let everyone understand easily. Not to ward, no technician word that people around the word will be able to follow. The last one, as manager, many communication barriers will turn out as well. Generally, managers make more frequent use of oral, rather than written, communication. However, the media one selects for communication in a particular situation should correlate with the feedback requirements. A communication failure or partial failure could occur if the media you select for transmittal of a message is inappropriate and necessary feedback is not received. Most simple messages can be transmitted orally – either in a face-to-face discussion, formal briefing, or meeting of the staff. More complex messages should be written in a directive, instruction, memorandum, or report. Very complex messages should be transmitted in both oral and written form. Repetition and review of an oral communication in written form can be a facilitating device. So the personal qualities of the manager should be a consideration in the selection. As manager, you should recognize your strengths and limitations. You should evaluate your successes and failures in communication and plan to use the media that best fits your style and qualities. From the above communication barriers and each of solution, we can observe that in today’s world, no matter what the communication barrier is, there is always to the solution over the barrier. It is just a matter of different  approach within you means and ability to execute the solution without losing any clients.